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영어완전정복, 엔구전화영어, 화상영어로 영자신문 공부해요

매일매일 함께하는 앤구전화영어

오늘도 Daily News 신문기사로 Teacher Jhe 와 함께 수업을 하였습니다.

발음도 좋으시고 대화를 이끌어가는 수업방식도 정말 만족스러운데,

정기적으로 이 쌤이랑 하다보니, 저에게 따로 오는 피드백이 없어서 아쉽습니다.

Romantic Relationships. Let's Talk.

Today we talk about expressions related to a powerful emotion: love.

Our first expression may sound impossible. It is the love-hate relationship. In the case of a love-hate relationship, a couple just keeps going back and forth between the two feelings. One day they fight like cats and dogs. Another day they sing together like lovebirds.

People in a long-distance relationship live very far apart from each other and don’t see each other on a regular basis.

A long-distance relationship can be perfect for someone who likes their own space. But it can be lonely for a person who wants to spend a lot of time day-to-day with their partner.

A long-distance relationship can also be very expensive if the two people need to buy airplane tickets to see each other.

Of course, every relationship has its ups and downs, but some relationships have very high ups and very low downs. Even though such relationships can even be violent, they are interesting to some people who like passion.

But after a while, all that passion can destroy the soft, gentle feelings the couple had toward each other. It eats away at the couple’s love like poison, and the relationship turns toxic.

- Vocab - 





ups and downs


eat away at


- Q -

What happens in a love-hate relationship?

For whom can a long-distance relationship be perfect?

Why can it be very expensive to be in a long-distance relationship?

토론과 요약은 수업을 진행한 후, 정리해서 올려야겠습니다.

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